Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back in Provo...

I have a few pieces of news I would like to share with the world.  I made the drive from California back to Provo and it was a very sad day, but it had to be done.  I did the trip all by myself and I am very proud of that.  I was singing for 9 1/2 blissful hours in the car.  That singing time is probably the closest I will get to paradise for awhile seeing as I am no longer in California.

There are 2 reasons I am happy to be back in Provo... and only 2.

Reason #1
I can talk on my cell phone while drive without getting a hefty fine.

Reason #2 
The tears that came to my eyes from pure joy when I saw this lovely home in Provo.  I mean the yard is to die for...


Anonymous said...

come back.

heidi said...

That house is the home to neighbors of mine. I giggle each time I drive past it.

Unknown said...

hahaha that house is part of my ward and it's called "casablanca" do you really like the yard? I think the girls may be moving out. :P