Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's a new day.

I have been in a really bad mood lately. It is nobody's fault but my own. So... I am going to make a conscious effort to get real and be happy because life is not that bad. Yes, all of my friends are married and I have never been on a date and I am taking 18 credits and school is going to be super crazy this semester, and all the people I love are in California, but I am great and life will be great.
A couple of things I am excited about...
1) I signed up to volunteer in a kindergarten class at a local elementary school once a week.
2) I may be getting tickets for general conference (cross my fingers)
3) A guy in my class introduced himself and admitted to having a 1.8 GPA out of high school and worked his butt off to get to BYU... umm... good for him for coming such a long way, but I am really happy I was not in his shoes :)

1 comment:

Hannah Hubbard said...

I am so excited to see you posting. I can imagine that working so hard in school and not really putting any time for yourself would make you feel down. I am sorry, Dani. Hang in there.