Sunday, November 23, 2008

church music does not include Celine Dion... sorry!

So... music is like one of my top favorite things about church. Tonight my roommate and I went to our stake music fireside. It was just musical number after musical number... it was absolutely fabulous. Many of my most favorite hymns were performed and I loved it except... Celine Dion performed. Well... Celine Dion did not perform but, one of her song surely was performed at the fireside. I know that the song was titled "The Prayer" so you think prayer equals church. yes and no... it was a little too pop for my taste. Sorry! That is just how I feel. Love the song but not for a church fireside. I looked at my roommate and could barely contain my laughter because I felt so awkward. Oh... it was a moment to be remembered for sure!

1 comment:

Natalie DeVore said...

thank you for adding me! and by the by, I cannot believe how long your hair got!! WOW! it looks so cute short though. you are gorgeous!