Monday, November 9, 2009

eye spasm/twitch... whatever the proper term is

When I woke up on Thursday morning my left eye was twitching. I had woke up real early and got almost no sleep so I thought for sure it was from the lack of sleep and would go away later in the day. I was so wrong. The eye twitch lasted for four days. On Saturday it was really bad. It was pretty much a steady twitching all day long. It rarely stopped. I spent Saturday with my cousin and bless her heart because she had to listen to me complain about it all day. People probably thought I was on drugs. I mean it was BAD. Yesterday, with great concern, I looked up causes for eye twitches. The top two reasons were: (1) lack of sleep and (2) over consumption of caffeine. Of course, I was guilty of both of these. Hello! They go hand-in-hand in my world. (Diet Coke was on sale so I have a surplus and have been taking full advantage of my DC...oops) So... I will be slowing down on the Diet Coke. When I woke up this morning the twitch was gone. Thank goodness because one more day would have put me over the edge.


Heather said...

I had that over the for a week and I almost died. You can heat/ice it too. They do say that means someone is thinking about you... ;)

Unknown said...

hahahaaha im just catching up with ur blog this was waaaaaay funny...i get eye twitches cause of stress :( I am glad that it was over