Wednesday, November 17, 2010

diet coke and kindergarten.

Every Tuesday morning I volunteer in a local kindergarten classroom. I love it! It is so fun to see how excited all these little kids are to learn. This past Tuesday I was getting ready and since school has been rough I have been slacking on my Recovering Diet Coke Addict(RDCA) program. I really have been doing quite well. I have come a long way from having numerous 12-packs under my bed freshman year in the dorms. Hannah was a witness to the madness :) Anyways on Tuesday I really needed a pick me up because I looked so haggard from my lack of sleep. I did not want the teacher to think I was on drugs or hungover because if I saw me that's would be the first thought to pop into my mind. So I went and grabbed my 2-liter of Diet Coke from the fridge. I went to grab a glass, but there were no clean ones. So... I took the 2-liter with me back to my bathroom and continued doing my make-up and hair in my underwear while drinking straight from the 2-liter of Diet Coke. It was quite a sight. My RDCA sponsor would have been so disappointed... except I don't have a sponsor. Maybe I should look into getting one?


Natalie DeVore said...

haha. boy can I testify to the diet coke obsession too :-) It's okay. While you were downing that I was gaining 15 pounds of chocolate milk!

Hannah Hubbard said...

It's true, I was there! I am pretty sure I was drinking soy milk and still gaining 15 pounds! Ha ha good days.